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        当前位置:首页 > 新闻关注 > 网页设计 > 一个独立的斯特吉斯品牌


        发布时间:2021-06-15关注:782编辑:内蒙古航佳网络科技有限公司标签: 网页设计   内蒙古365手机app_彩票365app老版本软件下载_365网站打不开了 建设  

        南达科他州的斯图吉斯市发展了自己的品牌,坚定地将自己定位为美国大的摩托车拉力赛之一。这一新品牌的创立是在该市终止与SMRi(Sturgis Motorcycle Rally,Inc.)的合同时引发的,SMRi多年来一直负责品牌推广。


        The city of Sturgis, South Dakota, has developed its own brand, firmly identifying itself as home to one of the largest motorcycle rallies in the United States. Creation of the new brand was sparked when the city terminated its contract with SMRi (Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Inc.), which has been in charge of branding for many years.



        Sturgis Rally Director Jerry Cole explains the meaning in the new logo. “Of course, it means riding and the curving roads, and that’s what the ‘S’ symbolizes is the winding roads throughout Sturgis and the Black Hills and the city name with the ‘S.’ The wings depict the motorcycle and the motor, and it represents the freedom and the patriot that come here every year to ride free in the hills.”


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